Hiring a professional guide for your first outdoor climbing experience There are many benefits of hiring a professional guide for your first outdoor climbing experience. A professional guide will teach you the techniques needed to start rock climbing, while managing...
Hiring a Professional guide for your first outdoor climbing experience in zion national park Many new climbers in urban areas and in general, are first introduced to the sport of rock climbing in gyms featuring top-rope climbing or auth-belay systems. Many advance to...
What is Canyoneering? There are different types of canyoneering. Some are non-technical, meaning you can explore the beautiful sandstone slot canyons by hiking through the canyon. Some are technical, meaning there are more skills aside from hiking to safely descend...
Canyoneering is a thrilling sport that has been rapidly gaining awareness and momentum, and steadily increasing in popularity over the last few years. Canyoneering Also called Canyoning, as well as Abseiling, Canyoneering is a multi-part activity which may include...
The almost unreal sandstone monoliths embrace and tower above us, bathed in the glow from a newly risen sun. There is a feeling of having stepped back in time; an almost wild, primitive sense that the basket-makers, the hunters and gatherers would feel more at home...
Success. It’s something we all want, but is differently defined, to varying degrees, by each of us who strive for it. Is success fame? Is it wealth? Maybe it’s the achievement of a specific goal, or the overcoming of a specific obstacle. Probably you have achieved...